March for Our Lives - "Thoughts & Prayers (116)" by ADC Annual Awards 2023

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TitleThoughts & Prayers (116)
BriefOn the fourth anniversary of the March For Our Lives demonstration, we went back toWashington with a message they couldn’t ignore.We spelled out “THOUGHTS AND PRAYERS” with 1,100 body bags, representing the 170,00+ lives lost since the Parkland shooting, across the National Mall lawn in front of the Capitol building. A visual message directed and targeted right at Congress.Over the years, this phrase has become the common response after each mass shooting incident. From the Congress floor to the digital space, this offensive sound bite is Washingston’s reaction and inaction towards saving America from rampant gun violence. To further spread the message, we posted a birds-eye image of the installation across social media, letting our leading advocates and influencers share the image to their followers.That day, Founder David Hogg was invited to the White House. And we finally saw the action we’ve been demanding.
Campaign Thoughts & Prayers
Advertiser March for Our Lives
Brand March for Our Lives

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PostedNovember 2022
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