Hannoversche - "Insure the now - Family" by Cíclope International Advertising Craft Festival 2023

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TitleInsure the now - Family
Campaign Insure the now
Advertiser Hannoversche Versicherung
Brand Hannoversche

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PostedNovember 2023
Business SectorSubscribers Only
Media Type Television
MarketSubscribers Only
Production Company Co......one Fil.......tion G..H Subscribers Only
Directors th.....wo Subscribers Only
Director of Photography (DOP) S...e L....le Subscribers Only
Executive Producer J..i W....er Subscribers Only
Executive Creative Director D...d S....an Subscribers Only
Account Director Ma.....ca Ni.....ner Subscribers Only
Account Manager Jo....es R...er Subscribers Only
Digital Strategist J...an K...ler Subscribers Only
Editor ..m Ric......rds Subscribers Only
VFX Supervisor T...a B..n Subscribers Only
Colorist S...ne Gr.....ola Subscribers Only
Music Composer Z....ee Bu....th Subscribers Only
Sound Designer A....ny M...e Subscribers Only
Production Designer Y...m Z...n Subscribers Only
Agency Executive Producer T...as E...ng Subscribers Only
Creative Director A....as D..m Subscribers Only
Creative Director L..a D...ch Subscribers Only