Title | #BuyBackFriday |
Agency | Edelman |
Campaign | #BuyBackFriday |
Advertiser | IKEA |
Brand | Ikea |
Date of First Broadcast/Publication | 2020 / 10 |
Business Sector | Drugstores, Specialty Stores |
Story | Increasing circularity is vital to sustainability. IKEA makes durable furniture at affordable prices and is focused on sustainability. Its goal is to become a circular company by 2030. IKEA wanted a campaign that would promote its credentials in the sustainability space. Consumers want to see brands take real action.So IKEA did something radical, at an unprecedented global scale... it started buying customers' unwanted furniture back. |
Media Type | Television |
Length | |
Production Company | Riff Raff Films |
Chief Creative Officer | Stefan Ronge |
Chief Creative Officer | Mattias Ronge |
Creative Director | Martin Jon Adolfsson |
Producer | Jane Tredget |
Art Director | Sabine Stromsky |
Copywriter | Oscar Muller |
Director of Photography (DOP) | Daniel Landin |
Chief Client Officer | Ruth Warder |
Designer | Steve Malkerty |
Designer | Chris Wilcox |
Associate Project Director | Claire Fraser |
Executive Producer | Lucie Hackman |
Senior Producer | Cara Hickson |
Project Manager | Stefania Basile |