SANTÉ PUBLIQUE FRANCE - "Print 5" by PHNX Awards 2022

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TitlePrint 5
Advertiser Santé Publique France
Date of First Broadcast/Publication 2021 / 11
Product LGBTQ+
Story The campaign portrays LGBTQ+ love stories. It aims at representing LGBTQ+ community members and their daily challenges - due to the discrimination they face.“We, the lovers” is a song from Jean-Claude Pascal, who is mostly known in France as a war hero. He won the 1961 Eurovision with this song, but at the time, no one knew the true meaning of its lyrics. This song was actually about the hidden homosexual love story he was living at the time. The film was made to match the lyrics, and that is why we decided to name it “We, the lovers”.The film manages to tell multiple moving love stories while making its viewers realize the urge to accept all sexual orientation and genders. The slogan appeals to the viewers and reminds them of their crucial role: “In the face of intolerance, we can all make a difference”.
Directeur de création Jean-Laurent Py
Directeur de création Laurent Nuyen
Directeur artistique Louis Grzeskowiak
Concepteur / rédacteur Cédric Hamelin
Responsable de la TV prod Jeanne Halfon
Réalisateur Lucy Luscombe
Production Caviar
Post production Firm