Title | London |
Agency | Wolf BCPP |
Campaign | To go. As far as you can. |
Advertiser | Burger King |
Brand | Burger King |
Date of First Broadcast/Publication | 2022 / 10 |
Product | Burger King App |
Business Sector | Restaurants & Fast Food |
Tagline | To go. As far as you can. |
Story | Thanks to the Burger King app and its order and collect feature, you can buy your meal as you go and pick it up to enjoy it wherever you want. But how far will you go resisting the temptation of eating that delicious flame-grilled burger? Google Street View helped us to know the answer. |
Philosophy | To go. As far as you can. |
Problem | Thanks to the Burger King app and its order and collect feature, you can buy your meal as you go and pick it up to enjoy it wherever you want. But how far will you go resisting the temptation of eating that delicious flame-grilled burger? |
Result | Google Street View helped us to know the answer. |
Media Type | |
Chief Creative Officer | Gonzalo Baeza |
Creative Director | Nicolás Pérez |
Copywriter | Luis Moreno |
Art Director | Cristián Mugarra |
Art Director | Jasper Staig |
Copywriter | Felipe Monroy |
Copywriter | Hernán Irarrázaval |
Art Director | Fabiola Matas |
Art Director | Nicolas Gonzalez |
Art Director | Victor Rodriguez |