Association L'Enfant Bleu - "The Hidden Story (Board)" by PHNX Awards 2024

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TitleThe Hidden Story (Board)
Campaign The Hidden Story
Advertiser Association L'Enfant Bleu
Brand Association L'Enfant Bleu
Date of First Broadcast/Publication 2023 / 7
Product Book
Business Sector Institutional/Public Interest/Non-Profit Org.
Story 50% of child pornography is originally posted by parents on social networks. This is a scourge that the association L'Enfance Bleu - Enfance maltraitée, whose raison d'être is the protection of children, wanted to tackle. L'Enfant Bleu therefore addressed all French people, and parents in particular, to alert them to the dangers of sharenting (share + parenting). Parents who are unaware of the impact of their posts, and most of whom are unaware that their profile is public, and therefore accessible to all kinds of people, including the most malicious. L'Enfant Bleu has launched "The Hidden Story" campaign, the first children's book to secretly alert parents to the dangers of sharenting: when parents read the book with their children, they discover together a cute story about pictures of cuddly toys. But for parents, the story doesn't end there. They have to reread the book and replace the references to the cuddly toy with their child. Sitting next to each other, the parents realise that these cuddly toy fans are in fact cyber paedophiles who are hijacking their photos. At the end of the story, parents could find on the association's website all the advice they needed to protect their content on their social networks, so that their children's photos were no longer accessible to anyone, and especially to anyone. L'Enfant Bleu began distributing this book at the start of the summer holidays, a strategic period, the season when photo-sharing peaks and particulary tendentious photos... “The Hidden Story” book has been created in two versions : physical and digital. The physical version was distributed in the FNAC, one of the main culturel retailers in France. And one of their main shops in Paris, close to the Champs Elysées, organized a free book distribution and a meeting between members of the association and the general public. The digital version was promoted through DOOH spaces everywhere in France, in railway stations, underground stations and shopping centers: people could scan a QR code and access the digital version of the book. This has been possible thanks to advertising agencies such as Giraudy, Clear Channel, Groupe Mediatransports, Groupe Phénix, Retailink and Instore Media which offered DOOH spaces to the association to make the book visible during the summer. Both versions were sent to journalists and also to influencers who usually share some pictures with their children. The physical version was also sent to the French senators and members of Parliament so that they talk about the dangers of sharenting.
Media Type Case Study
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Strategic Planner