Emory University - "Cover" by PHNX Awards 2024

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Campaign The True Test of Love
Advertiser Stop HIV
Brand Emory University
Date of First Broadcast/Publication 2023 / 5
Product STDs Test
Story The context

Homosexual relationships among Latinos in Georgia are increasingly impacted by STDs. Moreover, they often struggle to find someone to talk to, as being gay remains taboo in their home countries.


Latinos believe that there is an important step in every relationship... We call it the test of love: It is that first intimate moment between a couple. Anchored by this insight, we redefine this belief and turn it into a TRUE TEST OF LOVE.


We partnered with Raúl, a gay immigrant, as our spokesperson. He engage with the community on platforms like Grindr and TikTok.
As his recognition grew, so did our connection. Here's how we get involved: sending suggestive messages and having a real person answer questions in real-time about sexuality, inviting them to take the TRUE LOVE TEST (STD)


We saw a 500% increase in tests compared to previous campaigns, with 342 DIRECT CONVERSATIONS initiated.

And the community gained an influencer on the subject. Today, Raúl is recognized in the community as a spokesperson for improving sexual and reproductive health.

For us, clustering a person could potentially save 1.2K people from being infected = 16% latino HIV cases in US
General Manager Sebastián González / Mario Zuluaga
Art Director Andrew Rendón
Creative Direction David Socha
Planning Director Tania Negrete
Designer Steven Amaya / Gonzalo Chacón / Lina Soto
Project Manager Laura Sandoval
Copywriter Sebastián Medina
Motion Designer Andrés Castiblanco