Publimetro - "Corruption City (Film)" by PHNX Awards 2024

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TitleCorruption City (Film)
Campaign Corruption City
Advertiser Metro World News
Brand Publimetro
Date of First Broadcast/Publication 2023 / 5
Business Sector Media, Publishing & Production
Story Context: Colombia is facing significant challenges in combating corruption, with bribery, diversion of public resources, and use of public office for private gain being among the most prevalent forms of corruption in the country; unfortunately, corruption has become all too common topic for Colombian society, with daily media headlines denouncing the mismanagement of public funds and abandoned public construction projects meant to improve the lives of millions of people. Idea: A dream city that puts together in one place $6,7 billion dollars in public projects that Colombians paid for in full with their taxes, projects that, in real life, were left half complete or not done at all, because the money was deviated! Execution: Publimetro - Colombia's leading independent media – developed Corruption City a video game in which everyone loses, that presents a mega-city valued at US $6.7 billion, designed for 2 million people with a substantial public infrastructure, whose cost is equivalent to the public financing of 1,400 unfinished works. Through gameplay, players can become virtual citizens, learn about projects cost, contractors, locations, and the total cost, as well as how much each Colombian paid out of their own pocket and sign a petition demanding that authorities reactivate unfinished or abandoned projects.
Media Type Case Study
Cliente Publimetro Colombia
Editorial Director Alejandro Pino Calad
President / Chief Creative Officer Juan Jose Posada
General Creative Director Juan Cárdenas, Sebastián Benítez González
Creative Director Oscar "palomo" Munoz
Copywriters Camilo Garzón Rengifo, Lina María Camargo
Art Directors Oscar "palomo" Munoz, Charles Andara Soto, Jorge Calderon
Head of digital Maria Paula Medina Ayala
Production Director Andrea Garcia Arias
Executive Producer Johanna Salazar
3D City Development Solid Studio Arch
Web Development Halltec
Game Development Atomic Studio SAS
Audiovisual Production Macarena
Directors Cristian Roncancio, Aicardo Zapata (Pájaros)
Music Camilo Lucena - Machina
Postproduction Cristian Andrés Garzón Castillo - Townhouse

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