Thierry Martinez
Advertising Manager at BPCE
Paris, France
TitleThe Home Collection
Title (original language)The Home Collection
Campaign The Home Collection
Advertiser Warner Home Vidéo
Brand The Home Collection
Date of First Broadcast/Publication 2001 / 7
Product DVD Collection
Product (original language) Collection de DVD
Business Sector Records, CDs, DVDs & Videos
Tagline Become Pro DVD
Tagline (original language) Devenez DVDvore
Story Very close-up high tech woman eye. Inlaying instead of a pupil of DVD turning. Appearance on the fluttering eyelids of the name of the new collection and films covers, reduced price 129 to 149 F
Story (original language) Œil de femme très high tech en gros plan. Incrustation à la place de la pupille d'un DVD qui tourne. Apparition sur les battements de paupières du nom de la nouvelle collection et des jaquettes de films à prix réduit 129 à 149 F.
Philosophy Suceed in making the promotion and in the same time in exploiting the graphism of the modern universe of the DVD technology.
Philosophy (original language) Réussir à faire de la promotion tout en exploitant à travers le graphisme l'univers moderne de la technologie DVD.
Problem Find the name and launch the new range of WARNER DVD with reduced prices.
Problem (original language) Trouver le nom et lancer la nouvelle gamme de DVD WARNER à prix réduit.
Media Type Television
Market France
Creative Director
Art Director
Production Company

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