Stephen Rogers
Creative Director at Droga5
Dublin, Ireland
TitleWifi Calling
Campaign Wifi calling
Advertiser Eircom
Brand Eircom
Date of First Broadcast/Publication 2017 / 10
Business Sector Internet Sites (Excluding ISPs) / Apps.
Tagline WiFi Calling gets rid of coverage black spots. So eir removed every black spot in an entire magazine.
Story WiFi Calling gets rid of coverage black spots.So eir removed every black spot in an entire magazine
Sitting on the edge of Europe, Ireland has some pretty remote towns and villages. So, cell phone coverage black spots can be a constant problem.
That’s why Ireland’s largest communications company, eir, introduced WiFi calling – which eliminates coverage black spots by using WiFi to boost your cell signal.
We wanted to launch this in a way that was as innovative as the product is, and create a world first for newspaper advertising.
So we took over the entire Daily Mail Magazine and removed every single black spot. Every full stop, every semi colon, every tittle on every ‘I’ and every ‘j’ was replaced with a colourful eir dot. All of them.
No one likes black spots. So eir got rid of them. 
Media Type Print
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