Ricardo Sarno
Associate Creative Director at Publicis Brasil Comunicação
São Paulo, Brazil
Campaign Bengué Relax
Advertiser EMS
Brand Balsamo Bengué
Date of First Broadcast/Publication 2018 / 6
Business Sector OTC Medicines (Pain Relievers, Cold & Flu, ...)
Tagline No Pain, Just Gain
Story The Brazilian agency WE launch the campaign “Bengué Relax” to the relaxing muscle spray "Balsamo Bengué", from EMS brand. The printed ads show situations in different sports that may will cause injuries such as skateboarding, surf, skating and soccer, bringing the concept: is fallowing that you learn. In this way, the campaign encourage people to take risk and, if they eventually get hurt, no worries. After all, the signature of camping already said: “No Pain, Just Gain”.
Media Type Print
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