Louise Mussot
Copywriter at Rosapark, Paris
Boulogne Billancourt, France
TitleGrand Jeu OUIGO
Campaign LET'S GO
Advertiser Ouigo
Brand Ouigo

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PostedMay 2017
Business SectorSubscribers Only
PhilosophySubscribers Only
Media Type Gaming
Copywriter L...se M...ot Subscribers Only
Creative / Art Direction C...se L....rc Subscribers Only
Cofondateur en charge de la stratégie Jea......ick Ch....ar Subscribers Only
Cofondateur en charge de la création G...es Fi.....erg Subscribers Only
Cofondateur en charge de la création Jea.......ois S...o Subscribers Only
Directrice Générale De....ne D...el Subscribers Only
Head of Amplification M....el Mo....ot Subscribers Only
Account Supervisor L...le W....cq Subscribers Only
Account Supervisor T....ut T....au Subscribers Only

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