Jessie Abitbol
Account Manager at la chose
Paris, France
Campaign Today in France, it's good to have a independent duck !
Advertiser Le Parisien
Brand Aujourd'hui En France
Date of First Broadcast/Publication 2011 / 2
Business Sector Newspapers, Magazines, Books
Tagline Today in France, it's good to have a independent duck !
Tagline (original language) Aujourd’hui en France, ça fait du bien un canard indépendant !
Story While the rooster brings to the table all the inhabitants of the farm so that they do say no ill of him, the duck away and prefer to eat alone rather than evil support.
Story (original language) Alors que le coq rassemble à sa table tous les habitants de la ferme afin qu’ils ne disent pas de mal de lui, le canard lui s’éloigne et préfère manger seul plutôt que mal accompagné.
Media Type Television
Advertising Manager
Advertising Manager
Advertising Manager
Advertising Manager
Advertising Manager
Account Manager
Account Manager
Account Manager
Executive Creative Director
Art Director
assistant art director
Strategic Planner
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Sound Production
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