Jessie Abitbol
Account Manager at la chose
Paris, France
Title (original language)Les Poules
Campaign Today in France, it's good to have a independent duck !
Advertiser Le Parisien
Brand Aujourd'hui En France
Date of First Broadcast/Publication 2011 / 2
Business Sector Newspapers, Magazines, Books
Tagline Today in France, it's good to have a independent duck !
Tagline (original language) Aujourd’hui en France, ça fait du bien un canard indépendant !
Story Instead of trying to show how many chickens, ducks him, wonder why the chickens are angry.
Story (original language) Au lieu de chercher à savoir combien de poules manifestent, le canard lui, sedemande pourquoi les poules sont en colère.
Media Type Television
Advertising Manager
Advertising Manager
Advertising Manager
Advertising Manager
Advertising Manager
Account Manager
Account Manager
Account Manager
Executive Creative Director
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assistant art director
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