Michael Reissinger
chief, creative & director, partner at DELI Creative Collective
Hamburg, Germany
TitleNo jobs for cocks (uncensored)
Campaign No jobs for cocks
Advertiser Oh You Women
Brand Oh You Women
Date of First Broadcast/Publication 2018 / 6
Business Sector Human Rights
Story According to new data released by Eurostat, the statistics agency of the EU, Germany has the widest pay gap in Western Europe: 22%. The subject is not entirely unknown, but almost nobody is paying attention anymore. A new angle was needed to restart the conversation about this important topic.Our cheeky campaign delivers a brutally honest and simple truth: male genitals are of no use to men in their jobs, except getting them a bigger pay cheque. So why should women get paid less, just for not having a penis? We have created a whimsical song and a quirky music video in stark contrast to the seriousness of the matter.The film shows various male characters performing different activities using their genitals. A chef uses his penis to spin some pizza dough, a musician uses his to record music in a studio, a pilot controls the yoke of his helicopter with it, a manager uses it as a presentation pointer, a judge announces a verdict using his as a gavel, a surgeon slaps a glove on his, as he prepares to start surgery, a writer dips his in ink, an astronaut uses it for short-distance propulsion and a baseball player uses his as a lucky bat. Obviously, all of them humorously fail in their endeavours.To let the message shine through, we used the same brutal simplicity in the style of our animation. The lines are very roughly sketched, imperfect, creating an edgy contemporary aesthetic, favoured by a younger audience. The quirky style perfectly matches the whimsical original track composed for the film. The sketched abstract style also allowed us to explicitly show the male genitalia for humorous effect, so that even the most prude viewers would have a laugh and share it with friends, rather than be offended.
Media Type Music Video
Production Company
Music 2WEI Music
Creative Director
Creative Director
Creative Director
Art Director
Production Company Producer
Agency Producer
Executive Creative Director
Managing Director
Project Manager
Project Manager
Art Buyer
Motion Graphic
Motion Graphic
Motion Graphic
Motion Graphic
Motion Graphic
Motion Graphic
Sound Production 2WEI Music
Music Producer
Music Producer
Advertising Manager
Advertising Manager
Advertising Manager
Advertising Manager


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