Director at Red Rage Films
Dublin, Ireland
TitleThe Cliff
Title (original language)La falaise
Campaign The Cliff
Advertiser Quick
Brand Quick
PostedJanuary 2014
Product Long Bacon
Product (original language) Long Bacon
Business Sector Restaurants & Fast Food
Tagline It's Good, You'Re At Quick
Tagline (original language) C'est bon, vous êtes chez Quick
Story A young man wants to eat his hamburger looking at the landscape but he slips of the cliff and falls into the gap. By chance, he succeeds in catching a branch with one hand because his other hand has the hamburger. The branch threatens to crack and he doesn't want to drop the hamburger. How does the story finish?
Story (original language) Un jeune homme veut contempler le panorama en dégustant un hamburger mais il glisse de la falaise et tombe dans le vide. Par chance, il rattrape d'une main une branche tandis que son autre main tient le hamburger. La branche menace de craquer mais pas question de lâcher le hamburger. Comment cela va t-il finir?...
Philosophy To show the incredible force of attraction of the long bacon with an humoristic film.
Philosophy (original language) Mettre en avant l'attrait irrésistible du long Bacon avec un film humoristique.
Problem To show the incredible force of attraction of the long bacon
Problem (original language) Mettre en avant l'attrait irrésistible du long Bacon.
Media Type Television
Market France
Creative Director
Production Company
Agency Producer

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