Thomas Eickhoff
Account Supervisor at Grabarz & Partner
Hamburg, Germany
TitleWrong Voice (German)
Title (original language)Falsche Stimme
Campaign Wrong Voice (German)
Advertiser Internat. Gesellschaft für Menschenrechte/Internat
Brand International Society For Human Rights
PostedDecember 2004
Product IGFM Fight Against Torture
Business Sector Human Rights
Story An elderly woman talking in a drawling, monotonous voice.

(Woman:)The night of 15 to 16 February I lay in wait for the amusement arcade cashier Monika B. I waited until she turned into a side street, then I knocked her down. I put a knife to her throat, and when she defended herself, I kept hitting her until she lost consciousness. Then I searched her pockets, took the money and her mobile phone, and fled.”

(V/O:)If you are tortured for a few days, you’ll say anything you’re supposed to say. Help us to fight against torture. Internationale Gesellschaft für Menschenrechte (International Association of Human Rights).
Media Type Radio
Market Germany
Creative Director
Account Supervisor
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