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Title | Grandma loves mambo. |
Brief | Norway was the first country to turn off its FM radio network, so everyone now has to listen to digital radio. But this old lady isn't ready to make the switch. Just before moving into an old peoples' home, she wants to take one last coffee at her kitchen table with her son. She turns on the radio. There's just static. Under the table, her son discreetly begins streaming the song "Papa Loves Mambo" on his phone. Grandma smiles again. |
Agency | Try Reklamebyrå |
Campaign | Low cost streaming |
Advertiser | TalkMore |
Brand | Talkmore (mobile) |
Date of First Broadcast/Publication | Subscribers Only |
Business Sector | Subscribers Only |
Tagline | Subscribers Only |
Story | Subscribers Only |
Media Type | Television & Cinema |
Length | |
Soundtrack | Subscribers Only |
Copywriter | �....ein Ha.....en Subscribers Only |
Art Director | K...n L..d Subscribers Only |
Director | H...t Subscribers Only |
Producer | H..o F...ker Subscribers Only |
Production (Agency) | Fa.....lm Subscribers Only |