Nicolás Pimentel
Director of Integrated Communications at Red Creek
Buenos Aires, Argentina
TitleReggaeton Beach
Campaign Reggaeton Beach
Advertiser Cablevision
Brand Optimum
PostedMarch 2008
Product Triple Play
Business Sector Cable / Satellite Services
Story Continuing the success of the previous "Reggaeton" spot we developed for Cablevision, "Reggaeton Beach" brings back the same actors in a new Reggaeton-themed spot that takes place on a beach -- complete with pirates, treasure, and sea monsters.
Philosophy "Reggaeton Beach" was developed in both English and Spanish. The spot leverages the incredible popularity of Reggaeton music and conveys the excitement and fun of using Cablevision's Optimum family of digital services.
Problem Create a multicultural crossover spot that can work in both Hispanic and mainstream markets.
Result The "Reggaeton Beach" spot has become one of the most popular and talked-about spots in the New York City region, and has been in heavy rotation on local stations in both primetime and daytime slots.
Media Type Television
Market United States
Agency Producer
Art Director
Production Company Producer
Creative Director
Production Company
Music Company / Composer
Editing Company
Production Company Producer

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