Shaun Severi
Director at Wanda Paris
La Plaine Saint Denis, France
TitleThe Painting / Art
Title (original language)La Toile (English)
Campaign The Painting - Amnesty International
Advertiser Amnesty International
Brand Amnesty International
PostedOctober 2003
Product Campaign Against Torture
Product (original language) Campagne contre la torture
Business Sector Human Rights
Tagline Torture is an official art form in 150 countries
Story The campaign takes its place in Amnesty International's action towards the general public, so as to inform and to encourage the french opinion to act on its side against the Human Rights violations, torture and abuse's acts.
Problem The film conceived by Bates is based on the symbolic representation of torture effects on the victims, via the aid of contemporary art and pictural technic of painting action. A creative, original and ambitious idea, served by a specialized film direction to give strength and shock power.
Media Type Television
Market France
Creative Director
Art Director
Production Company

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