Shaun Severi
Director at Wanda Paris
La Plaine Saint Denis, France
Title (original language)Les Scooters (anglais)
Campaign Polo Wembley Campaign - Volkswagen VW
Advertiser Volkswagen
Brand Volkswagen
Date of First Broadcast/Publication 2003 / 12
Product Polo Wembley
Business Sector Cars
Tagline It takes some getting used to
Tagline (original language) Il va falloir vous y habituer
Story A very young guy is in front of a skateboard ramp. He says good bye to his friends. He removes the theft protection and puts an helmet on his head, like before when he had a scooter.
Story (original language) Un trèsjeune homme est devant une rampe de skateboard. Il dit au revoir à ses amis. Il retire la protection antivol et met un casque sur sa tête, comme auparavant, quand il avait un scooter
Philosophy Show very young people have now a Polo Wembley, their first car. But they keep the same behaviour than before.
Philosophy (original language) Montrer de très jeunes gens qui ont maintenant une Polo Wembley, leur première voiture. Mais ils gardent le même comportement qu'auparavant.
Problem The Polo Wembley has a so cheaper price for a Volkswagen than very young people could buy it. But it's very new, and it's hard for them to to take the habit.
Problem (original language) La Polo Wembley a un prix si peu élevé pour une Golf que de très jeunes gens peuvent se l'offrir, et les autres ne peuvent pas le croire.
Media Type Television
Market France
Creative Director
Creative Director
Art Director
Agency Producer
Sound Design Company
Production Company

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