Mark Gustafson
Director at Vinton Studios
Santa Monica, United States
Campaign Pints Personified - Ben & Jerry's
Advertiser Unilever
Brand Ben & Jerry's
PostedNovember 2006
Product Chubby Hubby
Business Sector Ice Cream
Story Four Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream flavors take on new, humanized personalities in a television campaign created by advertising agency Amalgamated and LAIKA/house stop-motion animation guru Mark Gustafson. The 15-second spots air nationally.
Philosophy Using an intricate set of mirrors and colors, the production crew rigged a moving system of lighting to illuminate the surface from below the horizon.

For about eight weeks, LAIKA/house production staff worked on multiple stages shooting each frame of the 4 spot-motion spots. CG effects were added only to “Tumble,” the commercial for ice cream flavor Cherry Garcia, to simulate the falling of cherries. The spot is about a tie-wearing businessman dreamily eating cherries takes a fall off a cliff, tumbles down the hillside and lands at bottom transformed into a tie-dye wearing rock icon Jerry Garcia look-a-like.
Problem Like in most stop-motion pieces, creative problem solving was necessary to perfect life-like resemblances of natural objects. In “Boat,” the ocean beneath the dinghy had to roll like a real ocean even though it was actually painted fake fur.
Result In “Boat,” the commercial created for “Phish Food,” two friends are seen casually rowing their dinghy (“Los Amigos”) in shark-infested waters. One of the pair decides to take a swim. Ironically, his helpful companion is concerned for the would-be-swimmer’s safety and recommends using a life
jacket. As he’s about to step off the boat into the dangerous sea, the “Phish Food” logo on the ice cream pint fills the TV screen.
Media Type Television
Market United States
Agency Producer
Art Director
Production Company Producer

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