Alexandre Fort
Creative Director at la chose
Paris, France
Title45 years of controversy, 5 times fewer casualties (en)
BriefSeat belt use, helmet use, sober driving … Today these safety habits seem self-evident to everyone, but that wasn't always the case. This film digs through historical video archives that show the ongoing misconceptions and unhappiness of the French public, who have all too often resisted new safety measures, forgetting that Sécurité Routière's sole concern has always been the preservation of their lives and that of their loved ones.
Campaign 45 controversial years, 5 times less deaths
Advertiser Délégation à la sécurité routière [ex Direction de la Sécurité et de la Circulation Routières (DSCR)
Brand Direction de la Sécurité et de la Circulation

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PostedJanuary 2019
Business SectorSubscribers Only
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StorySubscribers Only
Media Type Digital
Chief Creative Officer Gr....ire Subscribers Only
Copywriter F....nd Subscribers Only
Art Director F..t Subscribers Only
Head of Production Subscribers Only
Assistant Director G...ry B....EZ Subscribers Only
Sound Production ..E S...d Pr.....ion Subscribers Only


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