Matthew Hallock
Owner at The Voice
Fairfield, United States

Matthew Hallock Interview(s)

In a few words, can you tell us who you are and what your job title is?
Matthew Hallock, Creative Director, The Voice.
The current price for a 30 second slot is over $5 million. In your opinion is the spend worth it?
Yes – this is the opportunity to reach the largest audience all year. 2nd place is the Academy Awards, and it’s a distant second.
Is there a demographic you believe Super Bowl advertisers have failed to target or a business sector that is underrepresented?
Not that I can think of.
Who do you think is the ‘brand to watch’ at this year’s Super Bowl?
Whatever brand comes up with the big ideas that people are talking about on Monday.
Do you think advertisers can benefit from taking a political/social stance in the Super Bowl?
Sure, why not? But be prepared to have people love and hate you for taking a stance. So if you have the cojones, do it.
Are there any fumbled opportunities that come to mind when you think of past Super Bowl advertising?
Three well-known misses are for Nuveen Investments (2000), which had a paralyzed Christopher Reeve walking
Holiday Inn, which featured a man who had a sex change
and Apple’s follow-up to the 1984 commercial, which had lemmings going over a cliff.
But I give them points for trying, especially the Nuveen spot.
Eagles or Patriots?
10 years ago, I was at the Super Bowl in Phoenix. The Giants were playing the Patriots, who came to the game 18-0. They acted like the Super Bowl was a formality — a coronation to the greatest team having the greatest season of all time. And they lost. So in that spirit, I’m taking the Eagles.
What is your favorite Super Bowl ad of all time?
Reebok – Terry Tate

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