Doug Harry
Creative Director at Arnold
Boston, United States
TitleThe Water Bar
Campaign Know Your Water
Advertiser Kaz USA, Inc.
Brand Pur
Date of First Broadcast/Publication 2016 / 10
Business Sector Small Appliances & Home Accessories
Story To cast light on current water quality issues across the country, PUR partnered with creative agency Arnold Worldwide to educate and empower consumers about the source of their water, the journey it takes to reach their faucets, and the potential contaminants it can pick up along the way. The initiative comes to life through “hidden camera” national TV spots, online films, social media content and an interactive experience — — where people can type in their home address and find a simple, easy-to-understand breakdown of data within their highly complicated (and often hard to find) EPA reports. A centerpiece component of the campaign is a longer form online video titled “The Water Bar” directed by Sam Cadman of Hey Wonderful. The film is set in a NYC establishment called The Water Bar where a where a bartender (actor) offers patrons tap water from different cities around the country. As he tells them about the water they’re about to consume, the patrons are shocked to discover that water all across the country contains contaminants, even if it’s “within legal limits.” Water from Monterey, California, for example, features an “acceptable quantity of mercury.” The hidden camera piece--from which TV spots were cut--shows customers turned off by what are acceptable safe-drinking water quality standards, underscoring the need for water filtration from companies like PUR--because people have their own quality standards.
Media Type Case Study
Post Production
Global Chief Creative Officer
Executive Creative Director
Executive Creative Director
Creative Director
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Associate Creative Director
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Art Director
User Experience Architect
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Production Company
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