Shaun Musgrove
Creative Group Head at Havas London
London, United Kingdom
TitleCozzie's Story
Campaign More Than Just Clothes
Advertiser Reckitt
Brand Vanish
PostedApril 2024
Business Sector Cleaning Products, Soaps, Detergents
Story Last year with “Me My Autism & I”, Vanish and Ambitious about Autism helped the most amount of girls seek an autism diagnosis the UK has ever seen. This year, we needed to dive even deeper into clothes, to drive change. For many autistic people, clothes are more than just clothes. They can help with sensory regulation, provide routine, acceptance, comfort… and much more. In fact, 70% of autistic people say their lives would improve if people knew how much their clothes matter. So Vanish made it their mission to do just that with ‘More Than Just Clothes’.We launched with two documentary films, telling the stories of autistic teenagers Lani and Cozzie. We hear in their own, powerful words what their hoodie and football top do for them. For Lani, it’s a way to unmask within her community, while Cozzie’s treasured goalkeeper top helps her focus on the football pitch, a place many autistic people can struggle with over-stimulation. Through animations inspired by the girls’ stories, we get a glimpse into their inner worlds - helping everyone see and feel the power of their garments.The stories continued on social, with autistic and ND influencers sharing why their clothes are More Than Just Clothes. A campaign hub housed opinion pieces from the community, and shared more stories on the diverse roles a hoodie or a pair of socks can play.We didn’t stop there. We designed a campaign to change the behaviour of everyone across the UK. The More Than Just Clothes Pledge encouraged and engaged wider society with a simple acronym JUST - giving them 4 simple ways to be better allies. J - Leave JUDGEMENT out of the clothing choices of others. U - Build UNDERSTANDING around autism and clothes. S - See clothes as SENSORY tools that can provide regulation. T - Help everyone THRIVE by accommodating their clothing needs.With a beautifully designed book, downloadable posters, launch event and a social toolkit, JUST is already being adopted in workplaces, schools, sports clubs and event spaces - all places where autistic people can find clothing challenging the most, like mandatory uniform or sports kit. Our support packs, created with Ambitious about Autism, give these organisations ideas for small adjustments around clothing – that can make a huge difference. As more organisations sign up to JUST, clothing equity in the UK will continue to gather momentum - and more autistic people will thrive.
Media Type Television
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