Salvador Lister
General Creative Director at Cazar publicidad
Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic

New Campaign Interview: Shutter Stock

The most recent work from CazarDDB in Dominican Republic.


Tell us about your role in the creation of this work.

It’s been a challenge and an honor working for such a recognized brand that is present in our everyday lives. My role during the brainstorming sessions was to guide the team making sure they stay focused on finding a relevant concept for the brand and the industry. We had to find a way of communicating it in a simple, yet fresh different way, looking for impact, and of course, having fun in the process.


Give us an overview of the campaign, what is it about?

This campaign has 3 pieces, each of one represents a dangerous situation for the protagonists and how Shutterstock, with its vast number of images and resources, comes as their saviour. 



Tell us about the details creative brief, what did it ask?

The creative brief gave us certain freedom for us to communicate how important and effective is to count with an images platform as robust as Shutterstock for the development of communication campaigns.


Which insight led to the creation of this piece of work

The thought of Shutterstock coming to the rescue for our everyday needs was the “winner” on first sight for us, then the time came for turning it into a graphic concept, and well, everything comes from a sketch, right?


Can you share with us any alternative ideas (if any) for this campaign? Why was this idea chosen?

When you lay every idea on a table, the best one will do it’s job and outstand amongst the crowd, that’s what happened with this one.



How did the client initially react to this idea?

Even when you are feeling confident about the potential of the campaign, when proposing to such a demanding and global client, the nervousness is going to be there, but we saw that it went through the initial filters without changes we overjoyed. Receiving the “GO” was a memorable moment.


What was the greatest challenge that you and your team faced during development.

I’d say that our biggest challenge was finding the right stories for each piece, they had to be unique and be able to connect with the public on a witty but elegant way, everything with a simple but effective execution.


What did you enjoy most about seeing this campaign through? Did you learn anything new from the experience?

The thinking process was what we enjoyed the most, that and the “EUREKA!” moment when we got the concept. We learned that big ideas don’t necessarily need to have complicated executions. This is one of those occasions in which “less is more.”


Where do you see this campaign going in the future?

We hope this campaign achieves big things out there, it was worked with a lot passion by a highly motivated team.



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