Philipp Bertisch
Berlin, Germany
TitleHitler Hashtag
Title (original language)#Hitler
BriefRight-wing populism is getting strong once again on German streets, but even stronger in the internet. Populists and agitators are abusing the web and using social networks to attract people through propaganda. Their aim: to shift society to the right-wing. As the world drifts further to the right, the small anti-racism organization “Gesicht Zeigen!” (well known from their project “Mein Kampf against racism”) strives to fight back by recruiting new supporting members. To show the imminent danger of social media in the wrong hands, we created a symbol. Starting with an icon that reigns supreme on the internet: the hashtag. By simply adding a specific background to the symbol we completely changed its meaning, directly referring to the Nazi swastika. The Hitler Hashtag was born.
Campaign Hitler Hashtag
Advertiser Gesicht Zeigen!
Brand Gesicht Zeigen! An association encouraging people to stand against racism in Germany
PostedNovember 2018
Business Sector Institutional/Public Interest/Non-Profit Org.
Story An association encouraging people to stand against racism in Germany
Media Type Print
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