Pierre-Hugues Rondeau
Sound Engineer at O
Toronto, Canada
TitleÀ nous tous d’agir autrement
Campaign Super Villain Story
Advertiser Fondation Jasmin Roy Sophie Desmarais
Brand Fondation Jasmin Roy Sophie Desmarais
Date of First Broadcast/Publication 2019 / 3
Business Sector Institutional/Public Interest/Non-Profit Org.
Tagline No one likes a villain in real life.
Story Campaign for the Jasmin Roy-Sophie Desmarais Foundation, a Canadian not-for-profit organization that has for mission to fight bullying and promote caring relationships and healthy emotional habits. The campaign’s objective is to multiply positive social behaviours among youth.
Philosophy Villains may be essential ingredients of a captivating Hollywood movie, but they are not welcome in our society. And it’s exactly the mission of the Foundation that is to promote caring environments in all walks of life.
Problem The Jasmin Roy-Sophie Desmarais Foundation, a Canadian not-for-profit organization that has for mission to fight bullying and promote caring relationships and healthy emotional habits. The foundation was looking for ways to promote positive social behaviours among youth.
Result This video message plunges viewers into the universe of “Hollywood-esque” superheroes that are fighting supervillains in order to raise awareness on positive social behaviours.
Media Type Digital
Director of Photography (DOP)
Post Production
Music & Sound
Sound Engineer
Sound Engineer
Public Relations
Executive Creative Director
Art Director
Agency Producer
Account Director


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