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Title | 25m2 SYRIA |
Brief | When you visit IKEA, the home interiors on display are always picture perfect. But “25 square metres of Syria” was different. It was an accurate reproduction of a real home just outside Damascus in Syria. IKEA’s posters and price tags told the story of the family and gave visitors a sense of what it must be like to live in a war zone. |
Agency | POL Oslo |
Campaign | 25m2 SYRIA |
Advertiser | Red Cross, NRK TV-aksjonen, IKEA |
Brand | IKEA |
Date of First Broadcast/Publication | Subscribers Only |
Business Sector | Subscribers Only |
Story | Subscribers Only |
Philosophy | Subscribers Only |
Problem | Subscribers Only |
Result | Subscribers Only |
Media Type | Case Study |
Length | |
Creative / Art Direction | Ma.....en Subscribers Only |
Copywriter | M..a F....rø Subscribers Only |
Account Manager | ..a Eg......dal Subscribers Only |
Account Director | M...ka Au.....son Subscribers Only |
Designer | La.....en Subscribers Only |
Designer | A...ea E...m Subscribers Only |
Designer | ..e J...b ..�e Subscribers Only |
Agency Producer | U..a H...ig Subscribers Only |
Agency Producer | T..E B....ARD Subscribers Only |