Clive Nigel Pereira
Senior Copywriter at FP7
Bahrain, Bahrain
Campaign Twitterference
Advertiser Batelco
Brand Ookla
Date of First Broadcast/Publication 2016 / 7
Business Sector Other Online Services
Story Most subscribers of Batelco’s competitors complain about slow Internet speeds on social media. Especially Twitter. We spotted an opportunity there. We scanned their Twitter profiles; their likes and dislikes, to personalize our communication and responded to them in real time, as well as offer them a chance to switch to the fastest network. Witty and clever responses grew the conversation instantly, with an increasing number of people tagging their ISPs about frustratingly slow Internet speeds. To increase our reach, we also created a song with social influencers about slow Internet in Bahrain that went viral.
Media Type Web Film
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