Justin Poulsen
Photographer at Cossette
Toronto, Canada
TitleGreenfield Meatless Monday
BriefTo get people thinking about meat and its effect on the planet, The Greenfield Natural Meat Co became the first meat company to support Meatless Monday. Every single Monday, its employees, its web presence and, most importantly, its social feeds were meat-free zones. Even during the days leading up to meatless Monday the company talked about the importance of eating better meat...in moderation.
Campaign Greenfield Meatless Monday
Advertiser Maple Leaf Foods Inc.
Brand Maple Leaf Foods Sustainable Meat Production

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PostedNovember 2018
Business SectorSubscribers Only
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Media Type Case Study
Creative Director C..y Ei.....aut Subscribers Only
Creative Director B...n A...n Subscribers Only
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Art Director J...s P....to Subscribers Only
Photographer J...in P....en Subscribers Only
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