Sophie Coyne
Business Lead /Account Director at Accenture Song
London, United Kingdom
TitleFacing my Kryptonite
Campaign This is Belonging
Advertiser British Army
Brand The British Army
Date of First Broadcast/Publication 2018 / 1
Business Sector State Employment, Forces & Police Recruitment
Philosophy The British Army has launched the latest recruitment campaign to give aspiring recruits the belief and confidence that they can thrive in the Army no matter who they are, or where they come from. The campaign builds on last year’s This Is Belonging campaign – showing all recruits are welcome and supported in the Army. It tells the powerful stories of different soldiers who for different reasons, overcome misconceptions that they wouldn’t fit in. Viewers can then explore the soldiers’ stories in more detail through long-form animations online narrated in the soldiers’ own words. The campaign was created by creative agency Karmarama, and builds on the multi-award-winning This is Belonging recruitment drive in 2017 delivered a significant uplift in total application volumes. The British Army supports people in achieving their personal and professional goals, whether it’s conquering a pull up or taking on a leadership role. The Army is recruiting and there is a breadth of roles and opportunities available in both the Regular Army and Army Reserve, from helicopter pilot to nurse, from engineer to IT specialist. As part of life in the British Army, lifelong friendship bonds are formed and incredible challenges are overcome to achieve worthwhile results, for example saving lives by providing assistance on humanitarian or peacekeeping missions at home or abroad. The films were directed by Frederic Planchon and Si & Ad through Academy Films and the animations were produced by We Are Royale.
Media Type Television & Cinema
Edit Company
Media Planner
Creative Director
Agency Producer
Creative Team
Head Of Planning
Production Manager
Creative Team
Agency Producer
Production Manager
Production Designer
Art Director
Marketing Director
Animation Company
Executive Creative Director
Executive Creative Director
Executive Creative Director
Creative Director
Creative Director
Chief Creative Officer
Account Manager
Account Executive
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Sound Engineer
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Post Production House
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Production Company
Directors Voice Letter Buckaroo Si and Ad

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