Steve Yanor
CEO at Sky Alphabet Social Media Inc.
Vancouver, Canada

Steve Yanor Interview(s)

Viewpoints about Strategy/Planning

In a few words, can you tell us who you are what your job title is?
Founding Partner
Which aspect of your job do you enjoy the most?
Helping clients realize their long-term goals by plotting the course using an array of communications and then rocketing to each destination until the final objective is in sight. When the goal is something difficult like selling the company, the journey is always exciting.
What do you think will be the biggest challenge for brands in reaching consumers in the next five years?
Relevancy in all its forms will remain the biggest challenge for brands. This is why social media is the sneaky contender in the smartest media of all time awards.
What project that you worked on are you most proud of, and why?
Taking Lionsgate public was an early project that I am very proud of. We had a small team but the team was extremely talented.
How can data make us more creative? Can you give a recent example?
Social data can and should make advertisers more creative. We know what people like. Now it's our responsibility to show them things they won't hate.

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