Morten  Hertz Larsen
Marketing Manager at Carlsberg Group
TitleProbably TEDx
BriefBeer consumers are increasingly looking for authenticity. But how to talk about the heritage of Carlsberg while remaining contemporary? The answer: JC Jacobsen, the founder of Carlsberg who died 130 years ago, would deliver the very first posthumous TEDx Talk. It was entitled: ‘Why you should answer every question with Probably.' A team of speechwriters, joined by biographers from the Carlsberg Foundation, studied the Carlsberg archives to write a TEDx talk that transmitted Jacobsen's inspiring life philosophy. Relevant for today. But in sync with 1883. Carlsberg's founder JC Jacobsen died over a century ago. But thanks to a little technical wizardry, he was able to take the stage at TEDx to talk about his life and philosophy, thus expressing the brand's heritage in a new and captivating way.
Campaign Probably TEDx
Advertiser Carlsberg Group
Brand Carlsberg
PostedNovember 2017
Business Sector Beers, Ciders, Lagers
Story Jacobsen took the stage via a live hologram, using the first Holographic technique – the Pepper’s ghost – already existing in 1883. And interacted with the crowd. The TEDx Talk was announced via an online film. A true short movie filled with real events from Jacobsen’s past, giving depth to his rich history and inviting people to see the TEDx talk, live. The actual TEDx event in Copenhagen sold out. Through numerous events and live streaming, Jacobsens talk was seen in real-time by the 41.000 Carlsberg employees, globally. The 17 minute TEDx talk was hosted on Youtube live for the world to enjoy. After just 24h it became the most viewed Talk on the TEDx Copenhagen platform. And that was only just the beginning. After the talk, the 17 minutes of content were used to start up a multiple touchpoints content connectivity plan. Over xxx pieces of content for Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and … were created, in 22 different languages. Already reaching over 3 million people. The campaign was talked about in all media, globally, and was praised especially because of the fact that the TEDx talk was not an empty stunt, but a surprisingly truly inspiring Talk, worthy of 19th century Steve Jobs.
Problem Beer consumers increasingly look for authentic brands. So a lot of international brands turn to their heritage to make a campaign. Same goes for Carlsberg. Except that Carlsberg International explicitly challenged us to come with an idea that will be more talked about than your average heritage campaign. Solution: Heritage campaigns are always looking back in nostalgia. For Carlsberg however, we wanted to use its heritage to make people look forward. By giving them something that is relevant for them today. To do so we did the unimaginable: we got JC Jacobsen, the founder of Carlsberg who died 130 years ago, to be officially selected by the curators of TEDx to deliver a TEDx talk, titled: ‘Why you should answer every question with Probably’. The very first posthumous TEDx Talk, Background: J.C. Jacobsen was the Steve Jobs and the Elon Musk of his time. For months a team of speechwriters, joined by biographers from the Carlsberg Foundation studied the rich documentation of the Carlsberg archives. The aim was to really grasp his mind and write a TEDx talk that transmits his inspiring life philosophy. Relevant for today. But in sync with 1883.
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