Niels Schuurmans
Marketing Chief at Paramount Network,
New York, United States
TitleRape Victims Are Forgotten on Warehouse Shelves
Campaign Shelved
Advertiser Joyful Heart Foundation
Brand Joyful Heart Foundation
PostedMarch 2018
Business Sector Institutional/Public Interest/Non-Profit Org.
Story Every 98 seconds, someone is sexually assaulted in the United States. One of the biggest barriers to justice for survivors is decades worth of untested rape kits. In the aftermath of a sexual assault, a victim who chooses to undergo an exhaustive and invasive forensic evidence collection examination-often referred to as a rape kit-expects the kit will be tested and the evidence used to prosecute the attacker. Victims and the public alike assume those kits are tested; when in fact there is a backlog of hundreds of thousands of untested rape kits, sitting on shelves in warehouses for months, years, even decades while perpetrators remain free to commit other sexual assaults. While hundreds of thousands of rape kits languish untested on shelves, survivors wait for justice and rapists remain on the streets. Survivors deserve better. We all deserve better. The time is now.
The national campaign, "Shelved," was developed by new agency Invisible Man, founded by former Y&R creative Rachel Howald. It was created for Mariska Hargitay's Joyful Heart Foundation in partnership with Viacom Velocity.
Media Type Television & Cinema
Creative Agency
Executive Agency Producer
Creative / Art Direction
Executive Producer

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