Vinod Kumar
Developer at Procter & Gamble
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
TitleBattery Buster
Campaign Battery Buster
Advertiser General Motors Corp.
Brand Chevrolet Bolt Ev
Date of First Broadcast/Publication 2017
Business Sector Cars
Philosophy The Campaign
To help people understand how range works with electric vehicle batteries, we choose to make it as relatable as possible - by tapping into the one battery-powered device we're always paying attention to: our phones. We wrote a unique line of code that allows a web banner to read your Android phone's battery percentage. When our banner appears, it will tell you how much battery your phone has left and then will tell you have far that battery percentage will drive you in the Bolt EV.
Creative Execution
Our resident programming geniuses figured out a way to write coding into a web banner that reads your phone's batter percentage. From there, we created a simple conversion table. We knew that a full charge (100%) in the Bolt EV would drive 520km, so 99% would be 515km, and so on. We corresponded each battery percentage to the distance you can drive. Some clever hacking, a little basic math, and one effective web banner.
Honestly, we thought this was a smart and creative idea, but we had no idea how effective it would end up being. Regular visitors to the Bolt EV webpage was averaging 50 per day for the week prior to the launch of our banner. In the first 24 hours of the banner going live, traffic increased 15X to 750 total visits. Click-through-rate was 2.38, roughly 5X above average.
By devising a way for a mobile banner to do more than just display an image or video, we've reimagined what the media is capable of. We wrote a code that allowed mobile banners to read your phone's battery and we translated your batter percentage to help make sense of the battery range of Chevrolet's new electric vehicle, the Bolt EV.
Insights, Strategy And The Idea
Selecting the researched markets of UAE, Lebanon & Jordan. These Local Arab and Expat Arab audience are aspirational "early adopters". They are 20-35 young and have an understanding of high-tech, but want to learn more - be on the front-foot of innovation. By focusing on a reach and frequency campaign, we targeted mass audience across Social and mobile platforms to spark interest and excitement for Chevrolet's new EV offering. Awareness driven campaign to gain leads.
Media Type Digital
Market Jordan, Lebanon
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