Gabriel Dugué
Director at Purview
Title (original language)Uber Toys
Campaign Ubertoys
Advertiser Uber
Brand Uber
Date of First Broadcast/Publication 2018 / 12
Business Sector Transport, Travel and Tourism
Story Eight years after the launch of Uber in France, there were dozens of ride sharing apps and the magic was gone, mostly replaced by people complaining about the service on social media. To renew the passion of customers who once saw Uber as an innovative brand, the agency had to bring the magic back to the streets. That’s what UberToys did. Six life-sized toy cars offering rides in Paris, Zurich and Vienna, over one month, for free. Every Uber customer could order a toy if the car was available.
Philosophy As Christmas decorations bedeck streets and windows, Uber has not stopped innovating: the firm wants Parisians to feel like children again by recalling those little timeless cars they would put on their wish lists for Santa Claus. To experience this emotion, you can order a car-size toy vehicle for free in a few clicks on Uber’s application and see one of six cars from UberToys drive all the way up to you.
Media Type Television
Advertising Manager
Advertising Manager
Advertising Manager
Advertising Manager
Account Manager
Account Manager
Account Manager
Account Manager
Strategic Planner
Executive Creative Director
Creative Team
Creative Team
Creative Team
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Agency TV Producer
Production Company
Production Company
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