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Title | Give a Heart for a Heart Safer City |
Brief | To draw attention to the problem and make people aware of the crucial distance of 6 minutes, we created Team Heart Safety – a team of runners wearing interactive shirts that display the distance to the nearest AED in real time. Since marathons cross entire cities, we took the route of the Eindhoven Marathon in Philip’s hometown and plotted every AED in the city on it.The interactive shirts turn green when our runners are in a heart safe neighborhood and red when an AED is not available within 6 minutes. Each shirt has a built-in screen made of 850 individually addressable LED’s. The shirt uses GPS to know its own geolocation and a python computer to calculate retrieval times to all known AED locations in the city. The distance to the nearest AED is always displayed on the shirt. |
Agency | Ogilvy Social.Lab Netherlands |
Campaign | Give a Heart for a Heart Safer City |
Advertiser | Philips |
Brand | Philips AED |
Posted | January 2021 |
Business Sector | Subscribers Only |
Story | Subscribers Only |
Media Type | Digital |
Chief Creative Officer | T...a Buy......nay Subscribers Only |
Creative Director | J...s ..l Subscribers Only |
Creative Director | G..s Subscribers Only |
Account Manager | L...a Subscribers Only |
Account Manager | M...e .e J...e Subscribers Only |
Production | Subscribers Only |
Music Company / Composer | M...c Subscribers Only |
Special Effects / VFX | S...k .M Subscribers Only |
Brand Manager | S...ra ..n E...n Subscribers Only |