Cillian McSweeney
Account Executive at In The Company of Huskies
Dublin, Ireland
TitleWhen you can read everything, it changes everything
BriefSuas is a charity that helps children learn to read. They told us “being able to read changes everything.” Literacy skills give children one of the most important tools to help them break out of generational cycles of poverty and disadvantage.The two-sided newspaper ad contains a story, half of which is printed on one page and the other half is printed on the back. When the page is read without light the text tells the struggles of an illiterate child, however, when held up to the light the message revealed is a positive one of what can be achieved when you can read everything.Suas has helped over 3,300 children from disadvantaged communities to improve their literacy skills and trained over 4,500 volunteer mentors to support them.We wanted to show the power that literacy has to change the lives of children. Learning to read and write can open up a world of opportunities for children and impact greatly on their self-esteem. To bring this idea to life we utilized newspaper print to deliver a powerful message: “When you can read everything, it changes everything”.
Campaign When you can read everything, it changes everything
Advertiser SUAS Educational Development
Brand SUAS Educational Development

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PostedNovember 2018
Business SectorSubscribers Only
StorySubscribers Only
Media Type Print
Creative Director H...ey Subscribers Only
Copywriter N...h R..n Subscribers Only
Art Director E...y B...ey Subscribers Only
Graphic Designer E...y B...ey Subscribers Only
Account Executive Mc.....ey Subscribers Only


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