Harry Holmes
Drone Operator at Academy Films
London, United Kingdom
TitleThe Recovery Channel
Campaign The Recovery Channel
Advertiser Domino's Pizza
Brand Domino's
Date of First Broadcast/Publication 2018 / 12
Business Sector Restaurants & Fast Food
Story When people are hungover, they tend to want comfort food. Which makes New Year’s Day (NYD) the most important day of the year for takeaway companies. In fact, it’s the biggest sales-driving day for Domino’s, with the brand expecting to make 350,000 pizzas. That’s eight pizzas a second.;The trouble is, New Year’s Day is a tricky time to gain cut-through or SOV. Not only are the masses blurry-eyed, but every other brand is trying to get their attention. “New year, new you”, “Right wrongs and write resolutions”.;We knew that maintaining momentum during such a business-critical period would require no small amount of clever marketing.;So rather than cook up the same old advertising and use the same old clichés, we would launch a pop-up 24-hour TV channel full of content people would truly want in their time of alcohol-induced need.;Strategy;On NYD there is a recurring trend in content: ‘resolutions’. With brands talking about the new you and fresh starts.;But Domino’s don’t think that’s what the 1st January is all about - social listening had revealed that New Year’s Day is the most hungover day of the year.;So, what did people need from advertising on NYD? Search peaks showed a craving for at-home entertainment on New Year’s Day... and, of course, comfort food.;We needed to create something that helped people get through their hangover, was easy to find and digest, and didn’t guilt them into eating salad.;What’s more, traditional advertising on this day would be dominated by deep wallets. We couldn’t out-spend the competition, so we’d have to out-think them.;Relevancy;For the cost of a single 30-second TV spot, we took over an entire TV channel on New Year’s Day.;Outcome;We bought just over 9 million impressions - split across Facebook, Instagram Stories, Twitter and Spotify ads, and influencers.;Soon, people started talking - earning a total of 101 million impressions. With 85 million impressions direct from social buzz and chatter, and the rest from press coverage both on-site and on social.;Those impressions soon turned into action, we almost quadrupled website traffic to 387.4% and app opens to 110% against the daily average.;That action also got the tills ringing - with the campaign driving a 19.3% YoY increase in online sales.;And the results paid dividend, with 14.7% of sales coming directly from social ads, delivering £397,458 in online sales – that’s a 17x Return on Advertising Spend.;We also helped many of the hungover masses through a particularly tough day. Which was all that really mattered.;Execution;Starting on the 31st of December, we began advertising the newest and most relaxing TV channel ever. Then, the Recovery Channel itself went live on New Year’s Day.;It was a full 24-hour takeover of Sky Channel 539, also going live on Freesat, Virgin, and YouTube - all for the cost of a single 30-second spot (£20K!).;To announce the channel we behaved like broadcasters, not advertisers - using the level of branded content typically used by the likes of BBC and Sky. That meant trailers, it meant idents, it meant commercial breaks, it meant programme intros.;All content was completely bespoke (no re-runs of Friends, here). We created TV shows like ‘Yawn Tube’ featuring sleepy kittens and puppies, ‘Rainy Panes’ which was basically rain pattering on a window, and ‘The Voice of Recovery’ – a tongue-in-cheek guided meditation show.;Campaign Description;New Year’s Day is the (unofficial) national day of rest, relaxation, and recovery.;And Domino’s took it upon itself to make sure people felt better. Not just supplying them with the ultimate comfort food, but with something to watch while they tried to repair the damage done by that eighth tequila.;We took over Sky Channel 539 for 24 hours and created The Recovery Channel.;It was a one-stop-shop for the most soothing, relaxing content imaginable - requiring absolutely no brainpower. Each programme was designed to help people recover - think sleepy puppies, a crackling fireplace, a babbling stream, some cute sloths, and relaxing aquariums.;It was integrated across YouTube, Instagram, TV (Virgin, Freesat), bolstered and amplified on Spotify, Facebook, Twitter, influencers, e-mail, push, paid search, app and on-site.;People could tune in whatever way was easiest for them – TV, laptop, or on their phones.
Media Type Branded Content
Sound Company / Music Company
Executive Creative Director
Deputy Executive Creative Director
Creative Team
Creative Team
Production Company VCCP Kin
Editing Company VCCP Kin
Post-production Producer
Post Production VCCP Kin
Post-production Producer
Sound Designer
Music Composer
Music Composer
Music Composer
Music Composer
Music Composer
Sound Company / Music Company
Music Supervision

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