Jacquelyn Parent
Toronto, Canada
TitleHeinz Ketchup Fraud (Film)
Campaign Heinz Fraud Ketchup
Advertiser Kraft Heinz
Brand Heinz Ketchup
Date of First Broadcast/Publication 2023 / 3
Business Sector Seasonings
Story We launched Ketchup Fraud, an integrated campaign that called out restaurants refilling Heinz bottles with generic ketchup. It featured caught-in-the-act style assets and a twist on our tagline: Even when it isn’t Heinz, it has to be Heinz. From there, we enlisted fans to tell us which restaurants have been committing Ketchup Fraud so that we could get them the real deal. We didn’t just want to bring attention to Ketchup Fraud – we wanted to end it.
Media Type Case Study
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