Raphael Vandystadt
Director of Sustainability and Institutional Relations at Africa
São Paulo, Brazil
Campaign Smartsolution
Advertiser Telefónica
Brand Vivo
Date of First Broadcast/Publication 2019 / 6
Business Sector Telecommunications Services
Philosophy In a world where the new quickly becomes obsolete, the Smartsolution project shows that innovating in an area such as smartphones isn’t just about technology, but also about rethinking its purpose. The innovation turned waste into utility, made thousands of people think about their consumption habits, and, at the same time, enabled access to culture and education for other people. In the end, what was obsolete became the symbol that made people rethink the use of their electronic devices.

Media Type Product Design/Development
Chief Creative Officer
Creative Director
Creative Director
Creative Director
Art Director
Art Director
Art Director
Project Director
Project Manager
Project Manager
Project Producer
Project Producer
Project Producer
Project Producer
Project Producer
Client Services Manager
Client Services Manager
Planning Team
Planning Team
Planning Team
Planning Team
Media Team
Media Team
Director of Corporate Social Responsibility
Agency Producer
Agency Producer
Production Company
Director of Photography (DOP)
Sound Production

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