Vanida Karun
Voice Talent at Accenture Song
Hamburg, Germany
TitleFlyNet - Father (75")
Campaign FlyNet
Advertiser Lufthansa
Brand Lufthansa FlyNet
PostedJuly 2020
Business Sector Airlines, Airports, Railways, Bus Lines, Ferries & Cruises
Story The good thing about a long flight: you can relax and switch off for a few hours. The bad thing about it: you are completely cut off from the outside world. Because on many transcontinental flights there is still no reliable WIFI on board. Lufthansa FlyNet, Lufthansa’s fast and reliable on-board WIFI, offers all passengers on long-distance flights the opportunity to be available at all times – even while above the clouds. A radio commercial that lets you experience the human disasters that can occur on the ground, while the affected person in the air doesn't notice anything about them. A minute-by-minute time protocol gradually describes the events, that lead to a 16th birthday party finally having to be ended with water cannons and riot tanks. Of course, the unsuspecting parents of the hostess don't notice anything about it on the plane. Only when they switch on their smartphones after landing. But by then it's already too late. Because a lot can happen in 6 hours.
Media Type Radio
Marketing Director
Marketing Director
Account Manager
Chief Creative Officer
Creative Director
Production Company
Audio Engineer
Music/Sound Production Studio Funk Hamburg
Creative Team

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