Laetitia Neves
Head of Production at Big Productions
Paris, France 2
BriefOver 20 million kilometers of fishing nets are set in the ocean each and every day, asphyxiating all marine life and putting our ocean at risk of dying. And if the ocean dies, we die. To prevent this fate from happening, we decided to take action and remove fishing nets with the help of the general public, using a one-of-a-kind system which converts their donations into their equivalent in fishing nets to be removed from the ocean.
Advertiser Sea Shepherd
Brand Sea Shepherd Conservation Society
Date of First Broadcast/Publication 2020 / 12
Business Sector Environmental & Ecological Issues
Tagline No fishing nets
Story No. Fishing. Nets. If the Oceans Die, We Die Sea Shepherds Rallying Cry to Save Marine Wildlife from Extinction by Brand Station and makemepulse 90% of all large fish and 70% of seabirds are now extinct from the world's oceans due to becoming trapped in deadly fishing nets over the last 50 years. In fact, every day the equivalent of 20 million kilometers of fishing nets are set in the ocean, asphyxiating and trapping marine life and threatening it entirely with extinction. Even when left discarded in the ocean, they continue to kill wildlife long after the boats are gone. The diversity of the seas make up the lungs of our planet, if the ocean dies, we die. Today, international marine wildlife conservation organisation Sea Shepherd launch, a rallying cry to save marine wildlife from extinction by deadly fishing nets set into the ocean by the fishing industry and industrial fishing fleets which catch unnecessary amounts of fish. The awareness campaign is created by creative agency Brand Station along with production studios makemepulse, Soldats Films & The Motion Fighters, When We Were Kids and Aurevoir Charlie. The campaign consists of a social and online activation with a hard-hitting campaign film and social promo film directing the audience to an interactive website. The site, created by makemepulse, features an interactive function that shows the entire fleet of vessels in action across the world. The user can virtually fly over the oceans and hone in on any chosen vessel to find out more about its work, including key historical information. The pop up statistics on the top left hand corner which show a real time global overview on the impact of fishing in the oceans make for uncomfortable reading, but are entirely necessary to get the message thr ough. The site also has a unique donation mechanism that converts each donation into its equivalent in fishing nets, which will be removed by Sea Shepherd from the ocean. A film made by Soldats and Aurevoir Charlie is also hosted on the site and shows a Sea Shepherd patrol boat approaching fishing poachers who have set down illegal nets which results in the loss of 700 innocent fish and sealife. Just one of the many appalling scenarios the Sea Shepherd campaigners are faced with on a constant basis. Nicolas Rajabaly, Co-founder and Executive Creative Director of makemepulse said: "Everyone on this project has put their heart and soul into it because they truly believe that saving our oceans is one of the most important causes we face today. The answer is simple, we must stop leaving deadly fishing nets killing marine life, and this campaign aims to confront this issue head on. We are very fortunate that we are able to use our creative minds, and resources to bring it to the world and make a real change."
Media Type Case Study
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Interactive Production Company
Production Company Soldats Films
Production Company
VFX Company
Sound Production
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