Rebecca Babin
Advertising Manager at Concern Worldwide
Campaign #UnfortunatelyFakeNews
Advertiser Concern Worldwide
Brand Concern Worldwide
Date of First Broadcast/Publication 2021 / 9
Business Sector Charities, Foundations, Volunteers
Story Fake news has been taking the world by storm. Recognizing this, Concern Worldwide -- which has been on a 50+ year mission to end extreme poverty, whatever it takes -- found a way to take fake news, and use it for good.In the campaign titled #UnfortunatelyFakeNews, Concern launched over 50 fake news headlines, calling out real things that corporations, governments, and billionaires could do – but have not yet done – to end extreme poverty.To drive the point home, #UnfortunatelyFakeNews appeared in out-of-home placements, strategically secured near the corporations and billionaires the headlines were referencing.Audio ads ran on podcast networks like NPR and Crooked, known for their real news, where the #UnfortunatelyFakeNews reveal would be even more shocking.Newscaster segments, featuring real anchors and authentic network graphics & music, also disseminated the #UnfortunatelyFakeNews in video pre roll.Social media was a major part of the campaign, spreading the #UnfortunatelyFakeNews across every major platform.+200% Increase in organic site traffic+150% Relative lift in CWW ad awareness+30% Reactive lift in added brand awareness
Philosophy Concern will launch over 50 fake news headlines that report on real, tangible things the wealthiest, most powerful entities could do to end extreme poverty.
Problem Just last year, an additional 150 million people were plunged into extreme poverty, which means they are now trying to survive on less than $1.90 per day. Meanwhile, billionaires are racing to space. With the situation more than ever, Concern Worldwide – which has been on a 50+ year mission to end extreme poverty, whatever it takes – is going so far to reach its goal, it’s exposing the corporations, and billionaires who could do more to end extreme poverty.
Media Type Television
Advertising Manager
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