Title | Energy crisis |
Brief | In 2022, we had an energy crisis in Europe due to the war in Ukraine. In the media, we have often heard recommendations on how to save money with various energy savings. These recommendations helped us, the common people living in regular households. However, they are useless for homeless people. We created an emotional campaign based on this insight, which has a large portion of emotion in it, which is necessary for charity campaigns. |
Agency | Mannschaft |
Campaign | Energy crisis |
Advertiser | Vagus |
Brand | Vagus |
Date of First Broadcast/Publication | Subscribers Only |
Business Sector | Subscribers Only |
Story | Subscribers Only |
Media Type | Web Film |
Creative Director | A..m M...�an Subscribers Only |
Creative Director | M...�š K..s Subscribers Only |
Copywriter | R...n K....šek Subscribers Only |