Holger Karberg
Director at Bacon
Copenhagen , Denmark
TitleBacon Holidays 2021
Campaign Bacon Holidays 2021
Advertiser Bacon
Brand Bacon
Date of First Broadcast/Publication 2021 / 12
Business Sector Cinema Production
Story It's been an ambivalent year; From the frustration of restrictions to the hope of a new vaccine to the arrival of the godawful Omicron variant. Yet another year where production companies all over the world have had to showcase their creativity and ability to overcome unforeseen challenges. At Bacon, we are proud and thankful to have made it through another year and we salute everyone in the film industry who has done the same. For our 2021 holiday greeting, Bacon directors Bine Bach and Holger Karberg have messed around and blown up a laptop for one of the most cynical pieces of Xmas Content to date. Hope you enjoy it and get through the holidays safely. We are looking forward to seeing you all next year! Even if it's via Zoom.
Media Type Corporate Communication
Production Company
SFX Supervisor
SFX Supervision
Director of Photography (DOP)
Focus Puller
Executive Producer
Music Composer
Music Composer
Music Composer
Music Supervision
Special thanks
Special thanks
Special thanks

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