Jan Finck Barboza
Hamburg, Germany
TitleThe Attic (Initiative Against Loneliness In Old Age)
BriefWhen it comes to family, adult children often struggle to find the time to look after their elderly parents. The consequence: old people are quickly forgotten in the maelstrom of our daily lives. The realization that we have completely blocked out the people who used to give us all their love and care can be shocking. Landhausküche dramatizes this moment and reminds us all that even the smallest amount of time invested in our parents can mean the world to them.The usual communication in the meals-on-wheels market focuses on happy older people enjoying their meal. Landhausküche - as often the only human contact for older people throughout the day - sees its responsibility as going beyond serving good meals. The aim of the campaign is therefore not only to raise brand awareness, but also to create a broad sensitivity to the emotional needs of their customers.
Campaign The Attic (Initiative Against Loneliness In Old Age)
Advertiser apetito AG
Brand Landhausküche (Meals on Wheels)

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