Charlotte Forestier
Account Manager at McCann London
London, United Kingdom
TitleSee My Pain
BriefLeading painkiller brand Nurofen has taken up the challenge of addressing the ‘Gender Pain Gap’—an issue deeply ingrained in healthcare systems where women's pain is often ignored or dismissed. By making equity a central pillar of their business, Nurofen aims to raise awareness and initiate significant changes at both organisational and societal levels. Through extensive research and collaboration with healthcare organisations, Nurofen has developed a transformative platform, titled "See My Pain," to draw attention to the disparities women face in pain experiences and help ensure lasting changes to this systemic problem.Launched with the world’s first ‘Gender Pain Gap Index Report’ and hard-hitting consumer comms, featuring a fake product range that highlighted women’s pain dismissals, the issue of women’s pain was made visible to all. Further initiatives comprise partnerships with leading pharmacy chains; healthcare practitioner education; numerous industry-first commitments, including pioneering gender balanced clinical trials & female-focused research grants.
Campaign See my pain
Advertiser Reckitt
Brand Nurofen
Date of First Broadcast/Publication 2022 / 11
Business Sector Health & Pharmaceutical Products
Story Leading painkiller brand Nurofen has taken up the challenge of addressing the ‘Gender Pain Gap’—an issue deeply ingrained in healthcare systems where women's pain is often ignored or dismissed. By making equity a central pillar of their business, Nurofen aims to raise awareness and initiate significant changes at both organisational and societal levels. Through extensive research and collaboration with healthcare organisations, Nurofen has developed a transformative platform, titled "See My Pain," to draw attention to the disparities women face in pain experiences and help ensure lasting changes to this systemic problem.Launched with the world’s first ‘Gender Pain Gap Index Report’ and hard-hitting consumer comms, featuring a fake product range that highlighted women’s pain dismissals, the issue of women’s pain was made visible to all. Further initiatives comprise partnerships with leading pharmacy chains; healthcare practitioner education; numerous industry-first commitments, including pioneering gender balanced clinical trials & female-focused research grants.
Problem Nurofen is a leading painkiller brand
Media Type Case Study
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